Band Grateful Dead
Venue The Catacombs
Location Houston, TX
Date 12/28/1968 - Saturday posters tickets, passes & laminates
One Cryptical Envelopment > The Other One > Cryptical Envelopment ; Jam ; Morning Dew
Comments The above list is unconfirmed and incomplete. It comes from Jim, an eyewitness, who has also identified the venue of this concert which was previously listed as unknown (still is in DeadBase XI). See DeadLists Digest #808 for Jim's recollections of a Blue Cheer concert two weeks prior to seeing the Dead in Houston on December 28th): "I can help you guys/gals out on this one and my memories of this concert are pretty clear (wanted to know if it was as good live as it was on the LP - and of course it was better). What I remember about the Dead concert is absolute fascination at the music. The club was called the Catacombs in Houston, tx. Most of what was played was from Anthem of the Sun (That's it for the Other one, Cryptical Envelopment, etc. and a very good 'space jam' that came back into the album to finish). There was a second keyboard player, besides Pigpen, so this was probably Constanten. I also know for sure that Morning Dew was played mainly because it was my favorite from the first album), also I remember Garcia's introduction to the song '...let's get the old shit out of the way' and then the cymbals starting up Morning Dew... Schoolgirl was probably played but I'm not certain... I know Pigpen definitely had a couple of songs, but mostly stood around looking uncomfortable..."
Recordings None in circulation as of 2/02.
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Contributors jim , David Sorochty , DeadBase XI, Brian Pollard
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